Brandeis University

    Brandeis Summer School 2025

    Summer Session dates are:
    - Summer Session 1: Wednesday, June 4* to Thursday, July 3, 2025
    - Summer Session 2: Monday, July 7 to Friday, August 8, 2025
    - Summer 10-Week Session: Wednesday, June 4* to Friday, August 8, 2025

    * Due to the observance of Shavuot, there will be no class meetings on Monday, June 2, 2025 and Tuesday, June 3, 2025. Additionally, classes will not be held on Thursday, June 19th (Juneteenth), and Friday, July 4th (Independence Day). Monday, June 16th will follow the Wednesday schedule in order to make up class contact hours.

    Additional classes are still being added!

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    All courses displayed are available for High School students

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    Department Course NumberCourse NameSessionDayTimeCourse FormatTuition
    AMST/MUS35ARock, Country and Hip-Hop: History of American Popular MusicExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    AMST/MUS55AMusic in Film Hearing American CinemaExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    ANTH1AIntroduction to the Comparative Study of Human SocietiesSession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ANTH144AAnthropology of GenderSession IIT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    BIOL26APlant BiologyExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    BISC10AReproductive HealthExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    BISC11ABiodiversity ConnectionsExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    CHEM11BGeneral Chemistry IISession IIT, W, Th, F8:30am - 11:00amOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    CHSC6AIntroduction to Forensic ScienceSession IIT, W, Th9:00am - 11:30amHybrid course - See course description for details$3,700
    CLAS157AAncient Egypt on the Silver ScreenExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    COSI10AIntroduction to Problem Solving in PythonSession IM, T, W, Th9:00am - 11:20amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ECON2A-Section 1Survey of EconomicsSession IT, W, Th8:30am - 11:00amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ECON2A-Section 2A Suvey of EconomicsSession IIM, T, Th, F11:20am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG33AShakespeareSession IIT, W, Th8:30am - 11:00amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG79AScreenwriting Workshop: Beginning ScreenplaySession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG147AFilm NoirSession IT, W, Th8:30am - 11:00amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG159AScreenwriting Workshop: The Short FilmSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG170ANigerian Movies in the WorldSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG177AHitchcock's MoviesSession IIT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENG180AModern American Short StorySession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENGR11AIntroduction to Design MethodologySession IIT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    ENVS26AWeather and MeteorologyExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    ENVS111AEnvironmental and Climate JusticeExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    ENVS130AEnvironmental Politics in Latin AmericaExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    FA77BTwentieth Century Modern & Contemporary Latin American ArtExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    FILMNEWDocumentary FilmmakingSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    FILM120ACinematographySession IT, W, Th6:30pm - 9:00pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    HBRW10ABeginning HebrewExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    HBRW20BIntermediate HebrewExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    HISP32AIntermediate Spanish ConversationSession IM-F11:10am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    HIST109BA Global History of Sport: Politics, Economy, Race and CultureSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    IGS10AIntroduction to International and Global StudiesExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    IGS130AGlobal MigrationExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    IGS173A“Asian Gangsters” - Contemporary Crime CinemaSession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    LGLS189ABusiness LawSession IIM, T, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    MATH5APrecalculus MathematicsSession IIM, T, W, Th11:20am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    MATH8AIntroduction to Probability and StatisticsSession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    MATH10ATechniques of Calculus (a)Session IM, T, W, Th1:50pm - 4:00pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    MATH10BTechniques of Calculus (b)Session IIM, T, W, Th1:50pm - 4:00pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    MATH15ALinear AlgebraSession IM, T, W, Th11:20am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    PHIL1AIntroduction To PhilosophyExtendedT, Th6:30pm - 8:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    PHIL6AIntroduction to Symbolic LogicExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    PHYS10AIntroduction to Physical Laws and Phenomena ISession IM, T, W, Th9:10am - 11:20amOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    PHYS18AIntroductory Laboratory ISession IT, Th1:00pm - 4:00pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$1,950
    POL133AContemporary Politics in the Middle EastSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    PSYC10AIntroduction to PsychologyExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    SOC1AOrder and Change in SocietySession IIT, W, Th6:30pm - 9:00pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    SOC10BSociological TheorySession IIT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    SOC18AObserving the Social World: Doing Qualitative SociologyExtendedT, Th6:30pm - 8:40pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    SOC84AHealth, Community, Society: The Sociology of Health and IllnessSession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    SOC104ASociology of EducationSession IIT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    SOC113BSociology of Race and RacismSession IT, W, Th8:30am - 11:00amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    THA2ATheater Foundations: Process, Production, and PerformanceExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700
    THA130ASuzukiSession IT, W, Th11:10am - 1:40pmOn-Campus Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    UWS64BThe Resistance Mix-Tape: Music and Social JusticeSession IIT, W, Th8:30am - 11:00amRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    UWS66ATravel and Self-DiscoverySession IT, W, Th1:50pm - 4:20pmRemote Learning Course for Summer 2025$3,700
    WGS6BSexuality and Queer StudiesExtendedOnline Asynchronous 10-weekAsynchronous10-week Asynchronous Online format$3,700