Brandeis University

    ANTH 05A: Human Origins

    Instructor: Javier Urcid
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course covers the transformation of human biological and cultural endowments through a span of some 7 million years, from a hominoid stage to the appearance of anatomically modern humans. A consideration of the human genome, of our place in nature--including our relationship with non-human primates--, and a review of evolutionary principles, leads to a broad coverage of the archaeological findings of hominids in a diachronic framework. Further consideration is placed on the selective processes that led to the human reliance on symbolic adaptations. The journey through the bio-cultural transformations of humanity highlights the emergence of bipedal locomotion, the increased levels of encephalization, changes in subsistence practices, the control of fire, the appearance of language, and the anthropogenic impacts of the global dispersal of modern humans.
    Session: Session I
    Day: M, T, Th
    Time: 11:10am - 1:40pm
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: 2041
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SS
    Enrollment Limit: 15 students
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,100
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: Yes