Brandeis University

    ECON 28B: The Global Economy

    Instructor: Mohammed AlMehdar
    Prerequisites: ECON 2a or ECON 10a and ECON 20a. ECON 20a may be taken concurrently with ECON 28b.
    Course Description: This course introduces a wide variety of tools economists use to asses the global economy, this includes background on the philosophy of economic modeling and it's limitations, exposure to various models used to study the global economy and international trade, reflection on the process of globalization and what it means for environmental and social equity , and finally how to utilize those economic tools in applied settings for development and policy and to use them to complement approaches from other disciplines. Applies the basic tools and models of economic analysis to a wide range of topics in international economics.
    Session: Extended
    Day: Online Asynchronous 10-week
    Time: Asynchronous
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: 10-week Asynchronous Online format
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SS
    Enrollment Limit: 20 students
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,700
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: No