Brandeis University

    ECON 2A: Survey of Economics

    Instructor: Chen Chen
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course offers an introductory overview of both microeconomics and macroeconomics, providing a basic understanding of how economics operates both in theory and empirically. It is designed for students interested in acquiring fundamental economic tools applicable in diverse scenarios, such as managerial decision-making and the formulation of public policies. Through this course, students will gain an intuitive grasp of economic principles, and models and explore their applications in the real world. Additionally, it serves as a foundation for students who wish to pursue advanced studies in economics, equipping them with essential theoretical concepts and economic terminology for future academic success.
    Session: Session II
    Day: T, W, Th
    Time: 8:30am - 11:00am
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: Remote Learning Course for Summer 2025
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: QR, SS
    Enrollment Limit:
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,700
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: Yes