CHEM 18A: General Chemistry Laboratory IInstructor: Deno Del Sesto Prerequisites: Corequisite: CHEM 11A. Dropping CHEM 11A necessitates written permission from the lab instructor to continue with this course. Course Description: Corequisite: CHEM 11A. Dropping CHEM 11A necessitates written permission from the lab instructor to continue with this course.</br> </br> Course Description: Two semester-hour credits; yields half-course credit. This course may not be taken for credit by students who have passed CHEM 19a in previous years. </br>Introduction to basic laboratory methods and methods of qualitative and quantitative analyses. Included in the analytical methods are gas chromatography and infrared measurements. A synthesis project that includes analyzing the product by titration. Calorimetric experiment using probes interfaced with computers. Identification of unknowns based on physical and chemical properties. Analysis of the metal content of substances by atomic absorption. Session: Session I Day: W, F Time: 1:00pm - 5:30pm Credit Hours: 2 Credits Course Format: On-Campus Course for Summer 2025 Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: DL Enrollment Limit: Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course Course Tuition: $1,950 Course Fees: None Open to High School Students: No |