Brandeis University

    BCHM 88B: Introductory Biochemistry

    Instructor: Kene Piasta
    Prerequisites: One year organic chemistry with laboratory, BIOL 14a, and BIOL 15b. Does not meet the requirements for the majors in Biochemistry or Chemistry, and does not serve as a prerequisite for most upper level BCHM, CHEM and CBIO classes.
    Course Description: Prerequisite: One year organic chemistry with laboratory, BIOL 14a, and BIOL 15b. Does not meet the requirements for the majors in Biochemistry or Chemistry, and does not serve as a prerequisite for most upper level BCHM, CHEM and CBIO classes.</br></br>
    Topics include protein and nucleic acid structure; metabolism of biologically important compounds; formation and utilization of "energy-rich" compounds; introduction to enzyme mechanism; comparison of basic biochemical and chemical processes; and biochemical basis of disease. Offered primarily for majors outside of Biochemistry and Chemistry. Usually offered every year.
    Session: Session I
    Day: M, T, W, Th
    Time: 11:20am - 1:40pm
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: On-Campus Course for Summer 2025
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SN
    Enrollment Limit: 15
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,700
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: No