PSYC 51A-3: StatisticsInstructor: Jutta Wolf Prerequisites: PSYC 10a or the permission of the instructor. This course normally should be completed by the end of the sophomore year. Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistics is used to find meaning in observations by collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting numerical information about subjects of interest, and it is used to make decisions that go beyond the observation. Since this is a psychology course, techniques useful in the behavioral sciences will be emphasized. Students will learn the theory of statistical decisions, practical application of statistical software (SPSS), how to translate analyzed statistics into convincing written arguments, and how to evaluate presented statistics.In more detail, topics of the course include methods for describing data, normal, t-, chi2-, and F-distributions, hypothesis testing, simple correlation and regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data and examples from empirical studies will be used to elaborate on when an analytic method is appropriate and how the method can help address the research questions or test the research hypotheses. Students will have ample opportunities to practice using each method through take-home assignments, in-class exercises, examinations, and SPSS reports. Students will receive extensive instruction in the use of SPSS. Session: Session I Day: M, T, Th Time: 1:50pm - 4:20pm Credit Hours: 4 Credits Course Format: Remote Learning Course for Summer 2024 Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: DL, QR, SS Enrollment Limit: 10 students Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course Course Tuition: $3,700 Course Fees: None Open to High School Students: No |