Brandeis University

    BIOL 26A: Plant Biology

    Instructor: Melissa Kosinski-Collins
    Prerequisites: BIOL 14a and BIOL 15b.
    Course Description: Biol26a is designed for students who have taken Bio14 and Bio15 and are interested in learning the fundamentals of plant biology.
    </br>The course is intended for students who are familiar with central dogma, structure-function relationship and genetic inheritance, but have not yet applied those concepts in plant systems.
    </br>We will adopt a molecular and chemical approach as we explore various concepts in plant biology including plant metabolism, structure-function, development, genetics, pathology and taxonomy.
    Session: Extended
    Day: Online Asynchronous 10-week
    Time: Asynchronous
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: 10-week Asynchronous Online format
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SN, WI
    Enrollment Limit: 8 students
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,700
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: Yes