ANTH 116A: Human OsteologyInstructor: Javier Urcid Prerequisites: Course Description: This course reviews in detail human skeletal anatomy for the proper identification of the bones in the body, their biomechanical articulations and their relationship with the muscular system. Focus is then directed to studying forensic methods and techniques for the estimation of age at death, determination of sex, assessment of type of bone remodeling, identification of cultural modifications to bone, and of the impact of environmental processes on bony tissue. The class includes a case illustrating the use of forensic approaches to the study of the past. Students give a class presentation focusing on a bone of their preference, and engage in a library research project to write a final paper dealing with medical, forensic, archaeological, museographic, or ethical issues related to the human skeleton. Session: Session II Day: M, T, Th Time: 1:50pm - 4:20pm Credit Hours: 4 Credits Course Format: On-Campus Course for Summer 2024 Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SN, SS Enrollment Limit: 15 (the capacity of the Bio-Arch lab Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course Course Tuition: $3,700 Course Fees: None Open to High School Students: Yes |