Brandeis University

    CHEM 11A: General Chemistry I

    Instructor: Deno Del Sesto
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course may not be taken for credit by students who have passed CHEM 15A in previous years. The corresponding lab is CHEM 18A.</br>
    Covers a wide array of topics, embracing aspects of descriptive, as well as quantitative, chemistry. No prior study of chemistry is assumed, as the course begins by looking at the atomic foundation of matter, the elements, and the organization of the periodic table, working its way up to studying how atoms are bonded together to form larger units of matter. Students who complete this course will have an understanding of the three major phases of matter--solids, liquids, and gases--and how they behave, as well as a knowledge of the major types of chemical reactions and how to represent them. A strong focus is put on learning methods of creative problem-solving, using the material as a way to develop creative approaches to solving unfamiliar problems - a skill that carries students far beyond the confines of the classroom.
    Session: Session I
    Day: T, W, Th, F
    Time: 8:30am - 11:00am
    Credit Hours: 4 Credits
    Course Format: On-Campus Course for Summer 2025
    Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: QR, SN
    Enrollment Limit:
    Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course
    Course Tuition: $3,700
    Course Fees: None
    Open to High School Students: No