BIOL 12A: Introductory Biology Lab IIInstructor: Deani Cooper Prerequisites: BIOL12b, BIOL 14a, and sophomore standing. Yields half-course credit. Biology majors should take BIOL 18b and BIOL 18a. Course Description: Biology 12a will teach you several basic genetics concepts and how to apply that knowledge in an experimental setting. We will use the model organisms D. melanogaster, S. cerevisiae, and Wisconsin Fast plants in these experiments. At the end of the course, students will use their own cells to determine the molecular basis for one of their personal taste phenotypes using PCR. In addition, students will gain experience collecting and organizing data for presentations and writing an abstract to describe their experiments. Session: Session II Day: T, Th Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Credit Hours: 2 Credits Course Format: On-Campus Course for Summer 2025 Brandeis Graduation Requirement Fulfilled: SN Enrollment Limit: 24 students Course Classification: Undergraduate Level Course Course Tuition: $1,950 Course Fees: None Open to High School Students: No |